COVID-19 Collaborative Contributors
The rapid collection and linkage of data was made possible due to the extensive efforts of an interdisciplinary team. The following individuals have made significant contributions to the DataLoch COVID-19 Collaborative Dataset:
DataLoch technical and data team
Ally Hume, Catriona Waugh, Catherine Stables, Chloe Brook, Chris Duncan, David Homan, Erin Cadger, Ioanna Lampaki, Jennifer Daub, Jilly McKay, Neil Murray, Ronnie Harkess, Shedrack Ezu, Sophie McCall, Stela McLachlan
Infectious Diseases clinical team
Claire L Mackintosh, Daniella A Ross, Meghan R Perry, Oliver Koch
NHS Lothian including Lothian Analytical Services
Alastair Thomson, Alistair Stewart, Daniella Ene, Hazel Neilson, Juergen Caris, Maria McMenemy, Nazir Lone, Nicola Rigglesford, Paul Schofield, Sophie David, Stephen Young, Tracey McKinley, Tracey Rapson
COVID-19 manual data extraction and review
Anda Bularga, Anna K Jamieson, Arjuna A Sivakumaran, Arun Parajuli, Daniella A Ross, Ed Whittaker, Emma K Watson, Ha Bao Trung Le, Hannah MM Preston, Jason Yang, John P Kelly, Jonathan Wubetu, Julia Guerrero Enriquez, Kathryn AW Knight, Louisa R Cary, Meghan R Perry, Oscar C N Maltby, Rosie Callender, Sarah H Goodwin, Thomas H Clouston, Thomas J McCormick, XinYi Ng, Zaina Sharif
DataLoch clinical and management team
Anoop Shah, Atul Anand, Colan Mehaffey, Kathy Harrison, Ken Lee, Laura Woods-Dunlop, Michael Gray, Nicholas Mills, Pamela Linksted, Peter Cairns, Rob Baxter, Stephen Lavenberg, Susan Buckingham