How to apply top section

DataLoch is currently accepting applications from academics and health and social care professionals within the South-East Scotland region. Any person wishing to access any of the datasets hosted by DataLoch will need to meet a number of key governance criteria to ensure their purpose and interest is both legitimate and appropriate.

The DataLoch team works with applicants to understand the purpose and technical requirements of the project. Researchers must undertake training on how to work safely with data. We recommend either the ONS Safe Researcher Training course or the Research, GDPR and Confidentiality modules and quiz from the Medical Research Council.

Each project goes through careful scrutiny by NHS employees trained in data privacy, to ensure the request is appropriate, proportionate and in the public interest. Depending on the specific purpose and data required to support the project, ethical approval may also be required. We help guide applicants through any additional exceptional approvals.

Approved researchers can then access and analyse the data extracts within the Scotland National Safe Haven. This infrastructure is one of several Safe Havens across Scotland dedicated to protecting the confidentiality of data and which are required to meet the best practice national standards for access and information security.

Request Metadata Catalogue access or start an application

Doctor holding a stethoscope against a soft toy bear whilst a child looks on and laughs.

How to apply middle section

Applicants can download the Microsoft Word application form to complete before uploading to the website for submission. The DataLoch team will be converting the application form to an online equivalent in the next few months.

Our purpose is supporting improvements in public health and we are not a profit-making service. However, we will apply a charge to cover our costs to support different projects. Our charge is based on the complexity of the application and any consultancy or analytical requirement. We will also consider the type of organisation requesting access, with a pricing structure applied to research and academic institutions, as well as the private sector. However, no charge will be made for projects related to service improvements for the NHS or public sector. 

DataLoch’s consultancy and analytical service includes: 

  • Cross-linking structured data  
  • Data analysis 
  • Collaborations with the NHS Lothian BioResource service
  • Governance advice
  • Clinical Team consultancy
GRAPHIC - How to apply to access data

How to apply final section

Accessing the data

After a successful application, researchers will access their data using eDRIS, which is a trusted research and innovation environment.

How to access

GRAPHIC - DataLoch application process represented in an infographic